For starters when I talk of yoga, don’t confuse me talking about the foreign-return-big-booming-business of a physical exercise marketed for mental peace and sorts. That’s one thing yoga is not and the writer found it necessary to clear the same before building the picture into the essence of this four-lettered-word. Truth be told, no one person (however enlightened) can define … [Read more...]
A Simple Understanding of Kundalini Awakening
Not knowing the true meaning of kundalini, it is easy to relate it to some sort of yogic practice which is of no concern for us. But truly? No, in true sense it’s the ultimate god realization. Simply praying to god doesn’t make us reach him. We have to do deep inner work. As Paramhansa Yogananda says that God is the energy moving up in the spine. So can it be the … [Read more...]
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