We are programmed beings. Right from the start of our conscious living, we do what we see. Right from childhood, our perception of this Time-Space is framed under the limitations of the available level of human evolution. For one who rebels or adds a new perspective becomes a topic of mock.
And, then again the loop continues and no evolution occurs. Currently, our mind operates for Intellect, Emotion, Sex and Decision centres in the ratio of 2:4:8:2 where the emotions and Sex centres have high-intensity rates. To fulfil our task as a human being on this planet we need to evolve to a ratio of 5:2:2:1 for I, E, S and M respectively.
We are social animals who don’t question anything that has been accepted as a norm. This is to the extent that we may even superimpose this programmed information over critical truth.
You are incarnations of God, all of you. You are incarnations of the Almighty, Omnipresent, Divine Principle. You may laugh at me now, but the time will come when you will understand. You must. Nobody will be left behind.- Swami Vivekanand
So let’s start with the purpose of devotion and where does it lead us
Do you really believe sitting in front of the god with a distributed mind over the daily facades of life help? Or why some people benefit from praying and some not?
The purpose of devotion is to take your mind from the interplay of the qualities of section 1(includes I, E, S and M) of the brain. When you can start doing this through devotion you are in a way to recognize the god within. He is not someone sitting above the cloud waiting for you to impress him. The real thing devotion do is the working up of your mind to deviate you from section 1 through a single point of focus i.e God. Once you step ahead of this section beyond which an average man doesn’t move, you start developing Section 2 through which actual concentration is possible (section 1 is the picture forming mind), developing further you reach Section 3 where you gain occult powers. At this stage, one who proud himself as superior may stick around at this section and is not able to reach Section 4. One who can detach with section 3 and continues with the faithful journey reaches Section 4 where he attains cosmic consciousness. After this, he enters the fifth kingdom of nature as a purely spiritual being.
I hope this clarifies why devotion helps you surpass these stages and reach God. But devotion alone cannot work. One needs to go back to the roots and work around with corrective methods laid out in Zen yoga to evolve the cells of section 1 to the extent that they can transfer themselves to section 2 and beyond.
beverly minyard says
It’s a really interesting take that humans don’t question things that are considered normal, and I am slightly surprised that I agree with that statement the longer I think about it. My wife is definitely a more spiritual person than I am so I want to get her opinion on this. I am going to send this article over to her so she can read about cosmic consciousness.