When we're in an interview, it's common to project an energy of desperation, as if we need the job more than anything else. This can unintentionally convey the feeling of "I don't deserve this" to both ourselves and the interviewer. Subconsciously, we begin to reject the opportunity, even when we deeply desire it. Instead, we should enter an interview with the mindset … [Read more...]
How to Find Ikigai and Transform Your Life?
To love and lose is better than not loving at all. The same applies to the work that you do. Do you love it? Does it make your eyes light up with passion? Are you able to completely be immersed in it while doing it? Is it your purpose? If not, then take this article as a cue to move your focus towards your ‘Ikigai’. Ikigai Meaning- This Japanese concept has done a … [Read more...]
Yoga to Cleanse, Heal, Energize and Transcend
For starters when I talk of yoga, don’t confuse me talking about the foreign-return-big-booming-business of a physical exercise marketed for mental peace and sorts. That’s one thing yoga is not and the writer found it necessary to clear the same before building the picture into the essence of this four-lettered-word. Truth be told, no one person (however enlightened) can define … [Read more...]
Evolution As a Route to Cosmic Consciousness
We are programmed beings. Right from the start of our conscious living, we do what we see. Right from childhood, our perception of this Time-Space is framed under the limitations of the available level of human evolution. For one who rebels or adds a new perspective becomes a topic of mock. And, then again the loop continues and no evolution occurs. Currently, our mind … [Read more...]
Moon Cycle And Women: An Eternal Connection
Males often say, women, are moody. They and in most cases the women themselves are oblivious of the fact that a women’s Psyche is governed by the moon phase. The moon changes its astrological position every two and a half-day making a corresponding effect on how women will behave in that particular part of the month. The Sun which impacts men more than it does to women makes … [Read more...]
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