Males often say, women, are moody. They and in most cases the women themselves are oblivious of the fact that a women’s Psyche is governed by the moon phase. The moon changes its astrological position every two and a half-day making a corresponding effect on how women will behave in that particular part of the month. The Sun which impacts men more than it does to women makes such a transition only once in a month. To add further, the four moon phases take place in a 28-day cycle while the sun completes its phases in a 365-day cycle.
This all explains why women experience overwhelming psycho-emotional changes than men do. But, be mindful this itself provides them with an upper edge to glance at their inner dimension which is overlooked time and again. Those women who try to decipher these inner emotional conflicts and how they are related to lunar energy start working with it and add to their eventual growth.
But women who keep ignoring this facet only to keep moving with the outer world more or less lose themselves. They keep missing the opportunity moon always bestows them with without any prejudice.
To make it more clear, the moon can teach us a lot and provide us with a new way of life where we are in more control of our lives.
Let me take the example of any living entity. They all have to go through birth, growth, maturation and dying. Moon also undergoes the same and as it affects the female psyche the stages are similar but after a month time, the moon cycle again repeats.
A major issue that nearly all women go through at a basic level is not to understand these moon cycles and underuse or overuse their energy. By knowing when to conserve and when to release as per moon phases they can better manage their inner world in relation to the outer world.
New Moon- Sun and Moon are conjunct at this time and therefore the Moon is not visible. As a woman, you may desire to go inward as your psychic senses amplified. Good for meditation, channelling, manifestation, etc
First Quarter Moon- This phase occurs the first week after the new moon. The moon is half-illuminated as it makes a 90-degree angle with earth and the sun. This is the ideal time to put yourself out and become social. Also, ideal for launching new ideas and planning events.
Full Moon- This phase occurs the second week after the new moon. Here, the moon is most illuminated as it reflects max sunlight on being aligned with the earth and the sun. You will experience either the culmination of your unconscious desires, conscious intentions or the culmination of feminine desires of communion.
Last Quarter Moon– Here the moon wanes and feminine energy start diminishing. Best to conserve energy and enjoy a time of solitude.
Goddess Wisdom Book
Great innovation.