When we're in an interview, it's common to project an energy of desperation, as if we need the job more than anything else. This can unintentionally convey the feeling of "I don't deserve this" to both ourselves and the interviewer. Subconsciously, we begin to reject the opportunity, even when we deeply desire it. Instead, we should enter an interview with the mindset … [Read more...]
This Is How You Connect to God
Why god is accessible to some and not all? Why some people seem to be happy for no reason while some unhappy despite the best privileges? Some people doing regular prayers but in vain. Some being atheist but still seem to get all they desire. There has to be some underlying concept that governs all- Energy that permeates all matter and non-matter. This is an unconscious … [Read more...]
Your Soul can Change Characters
Yes your soul can change characters (parallel realities) if it is aware. An aware soul is not bounded by any particular reality and can change characters at will. Your soul gets stuck to one particular reality as Maya (Illusion) keeps your attention captivated. Here is the real cache as it is this attachment to the material world that keeps the soul bonded to the character … [Read more...]
How the art of surrender can change your life inside out?
Though it is not easy to implement the concept of surrender and accept the situations as they are, it is a pathway that develops from the perspective of the divine. Seeming unfamiliar, you may start doubting whether the pathway is correct or not- a trait of ego-self. Ego-self compels us to take the control back and then again the cycle of rat race against time … [Read more...]
What everybody ought to know about Pineal gland?
Pineal gland or as the ancient philosopher Descartes referred “principal seat of the soul” is the gateway of our awareness from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Located at the geometric center of the brain and at the same level as eyes, it has the shape of a pine and the pattern of Fibonacci series.It is reddish brown in color and roughly the size of a pea. When … [Read more...]
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