Pineal gland or as the ancient philosopher Descartes referred “principal seat of the soul” is the gateway of our awareness from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Located at the geometric center of the brain and at the same level as eyes, it has the shape of a pine and the pattern of Fibonacci series.It is reddish brown in color and roughly the size of a pea.
When activated, this gland can provide us a perception that can transcend the space and time allowing a deeper connection with the cosmos. A consciousness so deep within that can take us to higher dimensions; provide intuitive and clairvoyant abilities, astral travel and impart various extra sensory super powers.
The pineal gland acts as a source of cosmic energy which flows from the crown chakra to the base of the spine. Linking through our five senses, it provides us with the perception of the universe. This perception acts as a reference for our self-knowing imparting consciousness and thought.
DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine): a tryptamine molecule is a powerful psychedelic drug –the most powerful drug known to humanity. According to the latest research, this molecule showed its presence in the pineal gland of rats. As is predicted this drug released by the pineal gland is responsible for deep spiritual experiences including near death experiences (NDE).
Pineal gland function
The main function of this gland is to produce melatonin hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle, feelings, behavior, daily and seasonal circadian rhythms, hormone levels, mental and physical wellness. When the production of this hormone decreases due to pineal gland calcification, it leads to the following effects
- Improper sleep cycle
- Alcohol and tobacco addictions
- Early puberty in girls
- Fatigue
- Decreased energy levels
During historic times our ancestors used to have a pineal gland about the size of a lemon. But the modern humans owing to their environment and living habits accumulated toxins inside their body which have shrunken the size of the pineal.
Activating pineal gland
To activate pineal gland for spiritual experiences, refining one’s perception of situations in a way that adds to our well-being, realizing one’s true god given powers following are the exercises that can be done
Sungazing is an ancient practice of looking at the sun within an hour just after the sun rises or during the last hour before the sun sets up till nine months from whereon one has to walk barefoot to activate the pineal gland.
Spending time in the sun
Being photosensitive, light stimulates this gland to produce the hormone melatonin responsible for our sleep-wake pattern. During the day it is recommended to obtain sunlight which stimulates this gland to produce this hormone while at night one should avoid using electronic or any other light emitting devices as the production of these hormones at night affects our sleeping cycle.
Focussing on inner stillness aligns conscious brain with the subconscious allowing a more control over the mind and activates the pineal gland because closing your eyes provide the darkness needed for the melatonin production. It also provides regulated sleep patterns by activating this gland.
Developed world has affected the natural lifestyle of living beings increasing an intensive exposure to harmful chemicals and metals that obstruct the effective functioning of the pineal gland.
Severe pollution, fluoridated water, mercury, pesticides and various inorganic elements that enter our body directly or indirectly collect around this precious gem leading to calcification- a process that chokes our spiritual abilities.
Decalcification helps in the removal of such toxins from the body to renew the active functioning of the pineal.
Some of the foods helpful for decalcification are as follows:
• Chlorella, Spirulina, and wheatgrass
• Raw cacao
• Apple Cider vinegar
• Oregano oil
• Cilantro
• Leafy vegetables containing chlorophyll
• Iodine
• Oregano oil
• Garlic
• Tamarind
• Beets
So to rise above the ordinary existence of living and reconnecting to our spiritual powers, we have to be proactive and adjust our lifestyle so that our pineal gland keep acting as our true north star for sailing the waves of life.
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