On the days when I am doing nothing, I am able to move past social conditioning and listen to my own inner soul.
So long we become so much attached to our name, place, environment, identity, accomplishments, that we reach far from nothing to make ourselves something.
“Something” means that we are still incomplete somewhere and we have to search for things outside us to make us complete and whole again.
As Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev tells that our cosmos is 99 percent space, an atom is also 99 percent empty, and what we are doing is giving our entire attention to only the creation which is only 1 %.
Since we know that all manifestation comes from the unmanifest.
Can we now focus some of our time in the nothingness for which constitute the larger part of space and feel whole and complete again even for few minutes?
That state of silence can be accessed via deep meditation.
Reaching for a state where you can leave apart your identity, name, place, form for some time, you began to access with the practice that 99 % nothingness.
Yes, it might not be easy at first since we are so much in love with our processions and identity that we may find it difficult to access this nothingness which is actually the real self- a self with initially came into this time and space without any tag.
Everything is coming from nothing, the planetary vibrations, the manifestations which we are yet to see in form, the people we are yet to meet, ideas, new thoughts, etc.
For if nothing or void was not there, we can’t objectify anything.
Some even believed this nothing to be ether which connects everything together. A famous book also lists that planetary vibrations travel via ether and permeates everything material and nonmaterial.
Under conventional sense or what western philosophy has taught us nothingness is emptiness.
But as Alan Watts says nothingness is more powerful and is as important as our physical reality.
We have always seen nothingness in a negative sense or something that doesn’t add value, like sleep, passivity or rest.
But “out of nothing comes nothing” is a misconception since everything comes from nothing
If we look at space, the distance between sun and moon or sun and earth, it is simply nothing, distance is simply a way of our understanding.
If no space or nothing was there, we couldn’t have been able to see solid objects.
Therefore nothingness is as important as solid.
Without nothingness, there can be no existence.
Like in a wave, crest and a trough together are necessary to form a continuous system of wiggles, existence, and non-existence, seen and unseen, conscious and unconscious must also be existing together.
This forms the concept of Tao.
Let’s talk about conscious and unconscious
Most of our lives are governed by the subconscious to which we don’t identify ourselves, yet conscious and unconscious together makeup who we are.
That’s where modern science ends — with the physical. The whole spiritual process is to go beyond the physical, to know something that is not physical. That which is not physical has no dimension. That which has no dimension has no sense of here and there, now and then, nothing like that.
Only the physical has here and there. Only the physical has now and then. That which is not physical does not subscribe to all these limitations.
Nothing holds everything or every possible reality since there is no time, no here and there or no limit- Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Though our limited intellectual mind has been designed to see things in the linear fashion of the time, we can reach this state through silence.
What is conscious in front of us was once in the unconscious. Thus two together constitute what we are.
Unconscious which may seem as not us is simply us. What is manifesting is in an unmanifest form already.
Our desires and karmas are what stops us from accessing the realities we desire. Searching for material pleasures to make us full have always applied a needing more mode open.
Reach for nothingness to make yourself whole and complete again.
Alan Watt
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
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