Sun is the life force energy which sustains life on planet earth. As humans, we consume this energy indirectly through vegetables, fruits, and water. Sun gazing, on the contrary, is the direct intake of this life force energy through our eyes which then enters via hypothalamus to our brain.
Sun gazing not only improves our physical health but also increases our mental, emotional and spiritual awareness. As prescribed and cautioned, you need to practice this only being barefooted and during the safe hours primarily an hour just after sunrise or during the last hour before the sun sets. These times have been chosen as such to prevent the eyes from the harmful ultra violet (UV) rays of the sun.
The origin of this exercise has its roots deep back in history where ancient civilizations of the Aztec, Mayan, Egypt, and India revered it as the means of curing various physical ailments and diseases. Not only this, sun gazing practice was also linked to attaining various superhuman powers by shamans and priests.
The quality of food we intake is directly proportional to the quality of emotions and thinking patterns we develop. Bright color foods are an abundant source of sun’s energy stored within them. Consuming this energy via sun gazing serve the same effect plus adds the additional benefit of not worrying about the digestion issues as well.
Below you can find the list of some of the vast benefits provided by this ancient ritual.
• Increases the production of happiness hormones melatonin and serotonin
• Improves eyesight
• Improved quality of life
• Increased clarity
• Increased confidence
• Improved sleep
• Easy dream recall
• Increased pineal gland
• Decreased food cravings
• Increased immunity
• Healing of various physical and mental ailments
Sun gazing is also known as the HRM phenomenon named on the man Hira Ratan Manek who popularized this ancient sun gazing practice in the west. He proclaimed that sun eating is all you need to acquire physical, mental and spiritual balance in the current age of turmoil and stress.
He believes that we can become independent of outer dependencies and rely solely on our brain which is like a supercomputer. For this to work we need to activate our body through the sun gazing as the energy obtained through food is not wholesome enough to take us to that level of awareness.
To prove his wordings, he resigned himself to be tested under watched conditions. Funded by NASA and through the collaboration between the medical teams from Thomas Jefferson University and University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, he was kept under a long fast where the following facts came into view
• Gray matter in his brain increased during the process
• Unlike the normal aging process where pineal gland shrinks, his pineal gland increased
• He was able to survive totally on sun light with occasional water and buttermilk intake
How to do sun gazing?
Safety cautions: Barefoot yourself to obtain grounding on mother earth during the safe hours mentioned above. You can blink your eyes occasionally. Do this exercise without lens or glasses. This practice has to be followed only for nine months which are sufficient to energize every single cell in your body.
Gazed during the safe hours when there are no UV rays, it serves beneficially and has been tested on individuals doing this technique for many years. Even if you doubt, you can have your eyes checked in the beginning days with an eye specialist.
The first nine months of sun gazing provides you with the mind body and spirit healing from whereon in the next stage the energy obtained is utilized to activate the pineal gland.
So here is the list of steps to be followed
• First, make yourself grounded by standing barefooted on the muddy earth
• Now during safe hour gaze at the sun for 10 seconds
• Keep adding 10 seconds each day till you reach a time when it becomes 44 minutes( first-day gaze for 10 seconds, second day for 20 sec, third day for 30 seconds and so on)
• After you reach 44 minutes which will be around at 9 months, stop this ritual as it can have a counter effect if continued.
• Now for the next six consecutive days after the nine months of sun gazing, walk barefooted for 45 minutes daily allowing sunlight to fall on your body.
• Optional: To further extract the benefits you can walk daily for 45 minutes barefooted for a year.
How healing takes place?
0-3 months
Beginning with the practice and obtaining sun’s energy through the eyes, hypothalamus tract gets charged leading that energy to the retina and finally to the brain. Gaining this energy in the brain, people report to experience reduced worry, increased confidence and a decrease in the need of solid food. During this time you attain a spiritual maturity making you a better human by altering your thoughts and aligning them with your higher self.
3-6 months
By this time body starts to recover from diseases and ailments. As each organ in a body is linked with the specific color (same concept applied in color therapy for healing), the light of sun containing all the colors enters the body and provides the corresponding color to each organ.
Also, your emotions move up the positivity scale and you begin to see the bright side of all things.
6-9 months
During the last months of practice, appetite decreases as most of the energy is now provided by the sun directly. People report having been able to make decisions with increased clarity and witness a noticeable change in the thinking patterns.
After 9 months
The energy provided by the sun is now used to awaken the chakras, kundalini and remove energetic blockages.
The first nine months of practice embellishes your body with the necessary energy detox for each and every cell in your body. From that point onwards where you have to walk barefooted, the energy is utilized to activate the pineal gland (link to super powers) which eventually gives you a magic wand to design your own destiny.
The scientific reason behind the barefoot movement lies in the fact that each toe in a foot corresponds to a specific gland and has a beneficial effect on the same. These glands include pineal, pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus, and amygdala.
Why you should practice?
The practice of sun gazing if done properly and at right times can have a significant impact on the overall well-being and the quality of your life. Moving up the emotional scale via sun gazing will allow you to contact your higher self which solves your day to day quandaries, relieves you of stresses and worries, increases confidence and boosts your enthusiasm.
You can sail that dimension of our existence where you perceive every single unit of matter and energy with compassion and oneness.
Good article. Today people don’t pay attention to this.
thanks a lot
Nice and informative blog. Its an Ancient wisdom which is called tratak in yogic practice, if I am not wrong.
Thanks. Sun gazing is different than Tratak which is actually a form of meditation that involves staring at a single point.
Wow! I had no idea that sun gazing was so healing. Such a simple act with big benefits!
Wow, never heard of this before! Thanks for sharing, I’ve definitely learnt a thing or two! 🙂 xo
So Good! Never read such a detailed post on sun gazing, Now I know the benefits of this and all thanks to you Disha! Keep up the good work 🙂
What about looking the sin in this solar eclipse?
Nice question but I would recommend that It’s a better choice to avoid this practice on such exceptional days.
Eveгything is very oⲣen with a realⅼy clear
description of the challenges. It ѡas definitely infⲟrmativе.
Your sitе iѕ very useful. Many thanks for shаring!