In no case should we abandon responsibility for our own choice-making or give someone else’s conception of what we are more weight than our own sense of self― Marsha Sinetar
Are you living your life with a purpose?
Have you ever felt a sense of confusion which comes when things don’t go as per your wish? You sometimes encounter a thought “why am I doing this” feeling no passion to pursue the same.
Have you ever had a guilt feeling which comes at the end of the day after a tiring work with no soul satisfaction?
If your answers to the above questions are yes, then continue reading this post.
Why you get a mental satisfaction even after the hard work on your dream project/goal? The reason is it is your goal with the soul which aligns well with your core beliefs.
Though works emanating from your obligations can temporarily fetch you rewards all the while providing higher ranks but they can’t sustain a long-term satisfaction. At some point, they stagnate the growth as sooner or later your motivation and creativity come to a halt.
One of the simplest ways to start working towards your endeavors is to first know the purpose and initial motivation that pushed you to pursue that goal.
So before initiating any work give some time to make yourself know WHY you are doing it.
Related: Here is a method that helps achieve goals faster
This helps to define your beliefs that coincide with that required for the goals. Once defined make sure to remain loyal to those beliefs as they will generate the necessary enthusiasm and energy that will keep motivating you towards your goal.
Develop your own USP
Most of the millennials and companies today set out to achieve success without a sense of purpose.
Rather than starting with their own unique talents that can emerge as their USP they start with what is trending so that they can remain risk-free.
The result is that their most of the efforts are wasted in routing out ways to cope up with the stiff competition which could otherwise have been used to refine their own unique sense of purpose fetching them cumulative growth.
Having a purpose in life that aligns with your beliefs is like having your own separate roadmap which guarantees you a safe reach at your destination with little or no traffic.
Related: 6 Hidden secrets: Why some people are almost always successful?
Clarity of purpose
In sales, when you don’t know what the purpose of the company is, you can’t effectively communicate the company’s core beliefs to the customers. The result is that they are left confused and stuck with their decision-making as there may be various other companies in the market offering similar features.
At a deep level, all humans have some common beliefs and way of interpreting things. They view everything as “what can I gain from this?”When you can clearly communicate your beliefs, they are able to relate to you well.
When you are clear on your purpose then only you can elicit a favorable response from the prospect.
Great leaders have always started with a purpose that’s why they were able to elicit a mass following.
Do what you love and the money will follow you
Sometimes we are in a position to easily adapt with this saying but many times our current circumstances doesn’t allow us to run for our passion as this would mean risking job, liabilities, bills, etc.
But as is said, “where there is a will, there is a way”. Don’t quit your job, instead remain open to little-little opportunities that surround you, try new things, take up challenges, develop new hobbies, etc.
Don’t settle down feeling yourself unworthy or of fear of starting afresh.
Never lose that one spark of hope that can reignite your joy which can be in abundant supply once you start looking each day with hope and inspiration.
Gift economy
Service doesn’t start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take. -Nipun Mehta
The gift economy is a working system where people’s purpose is to focus on how they can serve more instead of hoarding more. The base of this theory lies in developing a mindset of abundance as opposed to that of lack.
The concept here is that when we are working solely for money as a source of motivation, we come from a place of lack and neediness and thereby block abundance.
While reversing the approach to “what more I can give” places us in a mindset of abundance since we are assuming ourselves contented. The result is an overflow of abundance in unexpected ways corroborating our mindset.
Wallace de wattle in his famous book “The science of getting rich” told that for a man to succeed and get rich he must give a use value in excess of a cash value he receives so that an impression of increase is conveyed to each person whom he comes in contact with.
Presenting brain with questions
Noah St. John in his famous book “The book of affirmations” talks about how putting a question for your wishes help you achieve them fast. The reason behind this is that as soon as a brain is presented with a question, it immediately starts finding the most suitable answer to your question.
For example, if I say you to imagine a white elephant. What happen? Your mind immediately created a white elephant all from imagination. Likewise, if for your goals you start putting a question, your mind keeps it in a searching mode for all the possible information.
Even if it can’t come out with information, it will make you more aware of the situations and increase your receptivity.
Some of the sample questions which you can ask yourself are
- Why am I so successful?
- Why I earn so much?
- Why money flows to me effortlessly?
- Why I win every deal?
The trick here is that when you frame your goals which you want to accomplish in the form of questions, you are having some degree of acceptance. Now when you are saying to your brain that it already has something, by default it has to figure out a proof for it to be true which it does by bringing similar situations or circumstances. Likewise, having a purpose whereby we know the WHY’s we are supported by this ability of the mind.
How to know your purpose in life?
When I started this blog I know I wanted to help people, that core purpose drives me to collect motivation to keep delivering my best. Here is an exercise which helps me know my why’s for any task and thus make me in a better position to accomplish them
- Start by writing the main goal
- List reasons “why” you want to achieve this
- Now take one reason at a time from the step 2 and break it into 2-3 “why” reasons again
- When you have exhausted all the possible reasons, you get your core values at the end
- Now list down the possible actions which can be done to achieve these core values
- Daily act on them to remain aligned with your purpose
Related: Mind Mapping-a skill to learn now
When you know the “WHY “ of your goals you genuinely move with a purpose-driven mind which keeps inspiring you to deliver your work with perfection and thus favorably attract attention.
You don’t even have to care for money since people will value your skills. Also, it eliminates competition since your skills emerged from your own core values and purpose.
Many great minds amassed massive wealth just by focusing on value creation and with a genuine intention in mind. They were not driven by money but got it as a by-product.
As a purpose-driven mind serves as a breeding ground for opportunities, you will not fall short of inspiration and fulfillment. These further acts a fuel to create more value and the cycle goes on.
Well explained.