All the life processes need energy and occur in a definite pattern and the main source of this energy is the sun. In any form, we are consuming sun’s energy and dispelling it to achieve our onward movement.
Life craves energy which makes our motives, intentions, and goals to incline towards the energy-efficient direction. When we try to violate this tendency, we either tend to feel drained or lose our motive (work) power.
One example which you can relate well is when your beliefs are questioned. What do you do? You tend to decline any arguments as changing belief requires a lot of energy according to Tesla.
Explaining how retarding forces like those of the frictional and the negative nature retards the human energy, he emphasized how ignorance is the more harmful of the two.
The best and the supreme use of energy he prescribed is to use it with reason so that each progressive movement leads to the development in the direction of movement. He linked this approach to be the secret of success.
Three ways through which we can harness the universal energy available to us, though not visible, but always present around us are as follows.
- Increasing human mass
- Decreasing the retarding forces
- Increasing the force accelerating the human mass
Increasing human mass
For increasing mass to the old
Now, three possibilities can arise as the mass can be of the same velocity, higher velocity or of lower velocity. Here he used a very beautiful example to show which scenario is beneficial.
‘If there is a family with children of the same degree of enlightenment as the parents, that is, mass of the “same velocity,” the energy will simply increase proportionately to the number added. If they are less intelligent or advanced, or mass of “smaller velocity,” there will be a very slight gain in the energy; but if they are further advanced, or mass of “higher velocity,” then the new generation will add very considerably to the sum total of human energy.’-Nikola Tesla
Why he supported vegetarian diet?
Tesla said that raising the cattle for the sole purpose of food feeds our animal instinct and tends to add a mass of smaller velocity. He suggested to refrain from animal slaughter and remain good to our morals.
He said that vegetarian diet can sustain us very well is not just a theory but a fact and is sufficient to derive the necessary proteins and nutrition.
Decreasing the retarding forces
According to Tesla, negative forces have a strong quality but in a negative direction. This quality can be reversed in a positive direction either for the individual or the global benefit.
One such negative force is the organized warfare. Here, a large amount of human energy gets wasted in the maintenance of the warfare elements only to generate loss of life.
Also, he prompted the gradual reversal of this energy as an abrupt change will only add to more loss.
On the contrary, frictional forces are devoid of having any definite direction.
One such force is ignorance which manifested in the form of language and nationality problems and prevented countries to work towards a mutual goal.
The only solution for decreasing this retarding force is with unification and knowledge
Increasing the accelerating force
He laid great emphasis on this mode of increasing human energy and explained it via a hypothetical velocity concept.
As the resultant of all forces is always in the direction of reason, he recommended to carefully apply the power of reasoning and analysis so that any applied effort only adds to the energy in the required direction.
New knowledge and experience affect our reasoning and in turn, has an effect on the movement.
Explained how we are so used to the machinery around us that any stoppage can lead to our halt so he advised increasing the motive power.
Motive power means work. To increase the force accelerating human movement means, therefore, to perform more work- Nikola Tesla
As more work promotes the onward movement of man, so any work done towards the collective human movement allows the most efficient use of energy.
This collective mutual goal may require more effort but with time the accumulation of energy allows to achieve more at the expense of less energy.
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy by Nikola Tesla
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