Conditioning body to a new mind
We can experience event only in proportion to our feelings – which in simple terms mean that a person who has learned to suffer and a person who has learned to enjoy even little things will proliferate the same.
What mistakes most of us make are to think our goals only from our analytical mind wherein leaving the aspect body which understands through feelings.
This is a concept revealed by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
State of being- a state where your brain and body are perfectly aligned for your desires.
This is why “VISUALIZATION” works.
Let me explain it through an example, deciding to wake up early in the morning, planning to start gym after a significant gap, trying something new- who do you listen to the body or your mind.
These are just small examples, but do you think that they may not be working for our big decisions?
Perhaps what I think that they must be working on a subtle level.
So it is absolutely necessary to feel your goals as well.
What research tells us that a body does not have a conscience like that of the brain, so whatever you will make it feels, it can’t discern between the actual and imaginary experience.
Feeling negative thoughts unconsciously programs the body for the worst case scenario (that we imagine) so though you may go to the actual battlefield with highly empowering thoughts, your body is now conditioned for failure.
While taking action, it will compel you to return back to familiarity as else it would feel a “NEW CHANGE” as an unknown territory since it has been conditioned for past.
Here I would like to add this topic a spiritual dimension as well
What I think is that maybe as each chakra situated in the spine as energy center ’s itself has some memory which stores our past traumas or events from this or previous lifetimes.
Maybe by visualizing we are able to align our energy such that we are able to affect the quantum field and collapse the wave function for our desirable reality.
Who knows the exact truth.
But what is do known is the fact that this works.
What joe Dispenza says is “ clear intention and elevated emotion” together brings about our goals to reality.
Since we vibrate equal to the thought and feelings- as at elevated states of emotion you are able to see from larger perspectives.
Why we develop a disease?
Body is unconscious mind. Unlike our conscious mind which reason and analyze. Our body which is unconscious can’t tell the difference between the actual experience and what is imaginary.
When we consider a worst case scenario, our body at the same time starts feeling the event emotionally-start living in the same state.
In the time it starts living in survival mode which can go even for years causing the body chemistry to release stress hormones and start affecting the body.
During survival mode, our blood moves away from vital organs to prepare the body for fight or flight response.
Now when vital organs don’t receive blood supply for a significant period of time, many illnesses/diseases are sure to come.
Two tips which can be used to affect your life in a positive way.
Also Read: Reprogramming Your Mind for Success
Shorten the refractory period of bad experiences
Something bad happens, and you make that experience embed in your neurological circuits by feeling it emotionally again and again. As a result, your body gets conditioned for the same.
Now since you can only act and think at the level of how you feel your actions get affected by past memories and feelings.
You can’t see perspectives or feel emotions greater than that.
As a result, you keep repeating the same experiences again and again.
So the secret to change is to change your thoughts and feelings.
And from now on if any bad experience happens, learn the lesson but don’t let those emotions to get stuck in your body.
As also these stuck emotions in time may develop as a disease/illness.
Slow down brain waves through meditation
Even when we wake up most of the time we are living, think and feel from our past.
By slowing down brain waves, you can reach the subconscious and change your programming.
As our personality is determined through our past experiences, more than often you will find that person of people reflect their past experiences.
Their exp determine their behavior, their behavior determines their temperament.
So caught that nasty thought/bad experience and emotion and try to eliminate it right at that spot to keep your personality flawless.
Also Read: 30 Days Test-Technique Proving that Positive Thinking Works!
Joe Dispenza Lectures
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